Covenant for the Carolina Spiritual Science Center 

The Carolina Spiritual Science Center welcomes all to join in a fellowship that transcends our differences and honors the growth of the Soul through spiritual science. We are faithful and committed pioneers. Armed with love and the light of truth, justice, equality and purpose, we act together to enhance the spiritual growth and understanding of all. We honor individual skills and gifts and encourage openness to and connection with the ultimate life-force that flows through, within and around us. We join our hearts and minds to find the truth that inspires the will to good. Through spiritual science, the ageless wisdom teachings, and the energy of unconditional love, we are committed to individual transformation and to being a beneficial presence on the planet. 

Carolina Spiritual Science Principles 

Every individual is respected and treated with kindness, fairness and dignity. 

Every individual is heard and has their ideas and opinions considered. 

Every individual listens to the considered ideas and opinions of others. 

Every individual's journey is unique and is not diminished by negative judgement.

We embrace and honor the transformational and evolutionary impulse of the planet through our spiritual practice, sacred service and unconditional love. Acting with a spirit of altruism, inspired by compassion, we give preference and precedence to the wellbeing and happiness of others. 

We, the members of this spiritual community, recognize the importance of securing a safe environment that values diversity of thought and opinion. We covenant to: 

Respect each other. 

Speak for ourselves individually. 

Allow space and time to explore multiple sides of an issue. 

Carefully and empathically listen to each other. Communicate openly, agreeing to disagree. 

Seek clarification. Provide everyone an equal opportunity to express ideas. 

Address issues and behaviors rather than people and personalities. 

Manage conflict as it arises with the spiritual tools of the Soul: breath, silence, prayer, meditation and invocation. We agree that challenge naturally arises along with spiritual growth. Our practice to meet such challenge will be to seek within with the ultimate goal of reaching the central core of our shared will to good and essential unity. 

Our unity includes and transcends our differences. This profound unity inspires each Soul to inner union and the free expression of the beauty of sacred embodiment. Our Souls together, united in the expression of unconditional love will light and transform our world.